Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 18: if you could have a conversation with yourself in high school what would it be?

If i could go back and converse with my high school self (around 1996 to be precise) the conversation would be:

"Love yourself. Men do not complete you. There is nothing that a man will give you that you cannot give yourself except stress and diseases. Wait for sex. It is not that serious. Just because your friends are doing it doesn't mean you have to. You know your value. Keep it. Obey your parents. Do npt eny what your friends claim to be the kool life. Your life is cool enough staying at home and doing what keeps you safe. Always hold onto your faith. You want to be a doctor. Pursue that dream. Do not let anyone tell you you cannot do it. Yes u can. "

This made me choke up.....

If i could redo life. But is it really too late???mmmm

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